“The little church in the country,

just outside Owen Sound,

up the hill from  Leith, (Ontario)”

Click HERE for this week’s invitations!

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany, February 16

Join us 10:30am onsite, livestream on YouTube ‘Trinity Annan’ channel, Julian and Lorraine lead music, we reflect on Jeremiah 17 and Luke 16, Bill reflects on ‘Cursed Blessings’.

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany,

February 9.

Join us onsite 10:30am, livestream recording on youTube ‘Trinity Annan’ channel - Louise & Ron lead music, we reflect on Isaiah 6, Luke 5, Bill speaks on ‘Sent, Not Called (2)’.

Groundhog Day - Candlemas - Sunday February 2.

Join us onsite 10:30am, livestream recording on YouTube ‘Trinity Annan’ channel - Julian leads music, we reflect on Jeremiah 1, Luke 4, as Bill speaks on ‘Sent, Not Called’

Soup Sunday, January 26, Third after Epiphany

Join us onsite 10:30am, livestream recording on YouTube ‘Trinity Annan’ channel. -come late or linger longer for soup lunch and visiting after a stormy week!

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Sunday, January 19

Join us onsite 10:30am, livestream recording on YouTube ‘Trinity Annan’ channel

Baptism of Jesus Sunday January 12

Join us onsite at 10:30am, livestream recording on YouTube ‘Trinity Annan’ channel, Bill speaks on ‘Commodified Religion’ and all are invited to join ‘Renewal of Baptism Vows’

Second Sunday of Christmas, January 5, 2025

Join us onsite at 10:30am, online recording on YouTube ‘Trinity Annan’ channel, and come/stay for “4 Plans” discussion!!

Second Sunday of Christmas, January 5, 2025


Join Us (Again!) this Christmas

4th Sunday of Advent - Love - December 22 begins our  Christmas  Week & ‘12 Days’!

Join us onsite or online: 10:30am Sunday Dec 22, plus 7pm Christmas Eve, 10:30am Christmas Morning (Zoom) - and 10:30am Sunday Dec 29 (back on YouTube, Soup onsite!)

3rd Sunday of Advent - Joy - December 15 Gaudete ‘pink’.

Join us onsite 10:30am, livestream YouTube ‘Trinity Annan’ channel - Julian leads music, Lloyd leads handbells!

2nd Sunday of Advent - Peace December 8 Memorials.

Join us onsite 10:30am, livestream on YouTube ‘Trinity Annan’ channel, mourning our losses of the past year with doves and candles - come-and-go visitation reception to 1:30pm.

First Sunday of Advent - Hope December 1 Communion.

Join us onsite 10:30am, livestream recording on  YouTube ‘Trinity Annan’ channel - Mary & Murray lead music, Bill speaks.

Contact Us

Donate by e-transfer to trinityannanchurch@gmail.com

Email us at office.trinityannan@gmail.com

Email the minister at  billebruce@gmail.com

call him at (519) 998-8687

Part of the United Church of Canada - click for more

Trinity Annan United is a faith community

that offers a peaceful and prayerful place of worship to God,

and also reaches out to both our church and the world

as a beacon of loving kindness

to nurture acceptance, respect and justice for all. 


Our minister here since Advent 2020 - billebruce@gmail.com


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