Preparing for Bill to leave at the end of 2025, a search committee has begun work!

Staff Search Started

Affirming Process

Our Board has agreed to work with Affirm United this year toward becoming an “Affirming Ministry”.  A steering group will be elected on May 12 at the Community of Faith meeting (as will a group to coordinate our search for new staff for January 2026!). Click button below or the image to learn more!

Financial Reports to June 30 2024.

Stewards undertook to post quarterly income statements and balance sheets.

Click HERE for YTD Income Statement for the first half of the year

Click HERE for Balance Sheet at June 30 (with June 30 2023 comparable)

Donors may expect a YTD thank-you to inform your ongoing support!

May 12 Community of Faith Meeting

Key agenda in May meeting: leadership succession, nominations

We plan to meet in the sanctuary with coffee and muffins right after worship

Click here for draft minutes of March 3 CoF meeting

Click here for draft agenda for May 12 CoF meeting

Click here for summary of Affirming Ministry process

March 3 Community of Faith Meeting

New Year Letter from Chair Carol

Quarterly Financial Reporting to June 30, 2023

Click here for a link to a pdf of our Comparative YTD Income Statement to June 30, 2023

 In summary, our year to date deficit before transfers from the investment portfolio is -$7, 492. which is better than this time last year and better than the budget. Donations are down $2,314 and fundraising is up $395 from last year. Expenses have been well managed and are $6,142 less than last year. We expect fundraising and donations will increase in the second half of the year.

Click here for a link to a pdf of our Balance Sheet as at June 30, 2023

Board Planning - Rolling Horizons

(Board members can click on ‘Change Ahead’ sign below, to review 2020 constitution)

Rolling Horizons

Looking beyond “me,  here, now”, but not so far as “them, there, then” -  Mapping out 30-50km from Annan, Timelines out 5 or 10 or 20 years back - then 5 or 10 ahead… what do you see, as “us, around here, for the next while”?

United Church of Canada

Learn more about the national church strategic plan!

What’s our Horizon?

Looking maybe 30-50km from Annan, who are our neighbours?

7pm Tuesdays, Oct 11 - Nov 15

Join us onsite or online to talk about the hues in our palette - widening our conversation and community

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